Davidoff Adventure 50ml
Davidoff Adventure is a woody and spicy fragrance, a mixture of ingredients from distant corners of the world. The composition was designed for a man who craves new challenges, loves wild nature and expeditions into the unknown. The fragrance is courageous and lively, inspired by the experience of traveling from exotic places. Perfumes were released in 2008.
Fragrance notes
Top notes: mandarin, bergamot, tea leaf, lemon, mate, pepper
Heart notes: pimento peppers, sesame seeds
Base notes: vetiver, white musk, cedar.
Fragrances are original and of standard value in cellophane packed / or without cellophane if producer do not provide any /
Uptade your perfume collection with with our range of women´s or men fragrance. Chose from distinctive designer perfumes or signature scents to siut your style ! Floral, fresh, fruity, oriental, spice and more. Everything what you need to feel happy and unique.
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